vol.9 ila. Stencil Service
守矢努氏の ila. Stencil Serviceで「TOKYO」の文字をカスタムオーダーしました♫
ILA. STENCIL SERVICE名義でステンシルに特化したアート活動を続けている守矢努氏。グラフィックデザイナーとしてCDジャケット/アパレルブランドのデザインを中心に活躍、現在は野外フェスやブランドショップでのワークショップに引っ張りだこな人気アーティストです。今回は、幡ヶ谷のリトルナップコーヒーロースターズで美味しいコーヒーを飲みながらのステンシルワークショップ。
Custom order of the word “TOKYO" by Tsutomu Moriya’s ila. Stencil Service ♫
Tsutomu Moriya, under the name of ILA. STENCIL SERVICE, continues his art activities specializing in stencils.
As a graphic designer, he mainly works on CD jackets/apparel brand designs,
Currently, he is a popular artist who is sought after for workshops at outdoor festivals and brand stores.
This time, we will have a stencil workshop over a cup of delicious coffee at Little Nap Coffee Roasters in Hatagaya.
I took my own yellow paint and used the original color of the I had the stencil for the porch slithered on. These stenciled letters and art are not only fashionable! Each one has a profound message, whether it is a quote from Einstein or a representation of Moriya’s roots.
今回はオリジナルのステンシルの型を特注でオーダーしました!この「TOKYO」にもメッセージ性がありそうなのですが、特に深い意味はなく I ♡ NY 的にTOKYOってつけておけば中国人観光客とか買ってくれるかなと思いつけました。
This time, we custom-ordered an original stencil! I thought that the word “TOKYO" might have a message, but there is no deep meaning behind it, and I thought that Chinese tourists might buy it if I added “TOKYO" as if I ♡ NY.
My master taught me to print my own “TOKYO" stencil, so I walked from Hatagaya to Shibuya Tokyu Hands and got the recommended stencil kit. I’m going to do my best!
Master’s special rollers and trays. Just present ILA bag is the perfect size.Stencil pouch is now on sale♪
かっこいいアインシュタインの言葉です。 -困難の中に、機会がある-
Here’s a cool Einstein quote. -In the midst of difficulty, there is opportunity.