vol.33 Exhibition | 展示会2023

Exhibition | 展示会

Spring-Summer 2023, we exhibited pouches and pants in various locations.

山口、萩 5.26~5.28

A bullet exhibition tour from Hagi to Yamaguchi was decided about 3 days ago! As a result, we had a very intense time, and both our pouches and pants left for wonderful people in Yamaguchi.

5月26−27日は萩の古民家をリノベした廻69にて。萩は重要伝統的建造物群保存地区で、明治維新で活躍した侍の町。江戸時代の商家の女将になった気分で梁にポーチを吊り下げ、展示販売。奥ではLittle Taoの金継ワークショップ。横では原口珈琲の自家焙煎ネルドリップを。
May 26-27 at Mawari 69, a renovated old private house in Hagi. Hagi is an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings and a town of samurai who played an active role in the Meiji Restoration. Feeling like the proprietress of an Edo period merchant’s house, porches were hung from beams for display and sale. In the back is Little Tao’s kintsugi workshop. Haraguchi Coffee’s home-roasted nerd drip coffee is on the side.

The 28th was at Doshunji Temple in Yamaguchi City. Haraguchi Coffee and Marindl’s curry at Mizukami Kiln on the temple grounds. Kintsugi and pouch display in the main hall. Myanmar pants fit the temple!

東京、谷中 THE [INDOOR] SESSIONS. vol.3 6.3~6.11

毎年恒例になってきた、谷中茶室汲での THE [INDOOR] SESSIONS。インバウンドも戻ってきたようで、谷中は外国のお客様もちらほら。


THE [INDOOR] SESSIONS at Yanaka Teahouse Kumu has become an annual event. inbound visitors seem to have returned to Yanaka, and there were a few foreign visitors here and there.

This year, in addition to Awa shijira-ori, we displayed and sold Bingo Setsubori kasuri patterns and Myanmar pants made of Asian fabrics for the exhibition. New patterns of Awa shijira-ori pouches were also available! Ayako Ishii’s “Botanical Distillation Workshop" also included a distillation session of mandarin neroli and frankincense, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the venue.

東京、高輪 monkey puzzle 6.27~7.9

Monkey Puzzle, a botanical bar in Takanawa, where we had a porch exhibition in our first year of opening in 2020. we exhibited Myanmar pants in July. We also held a taco party on the last day!

Hand Made Fes Japan 2023 7.22~7.23

コロナ以降4年ぶりにHand Made Fes Japanに出店しました。お客さんとお話しする楽しみもありますが、作家さんと知り合ってお話しする楽しみも!作家さんのブースに遊びに行くと、みなさん技術もセンスも素晴らしいのでつい買っちゃうんですよね、、そしてめちゃ愛用するという。作家さんとお話しして自分だけの1点ものを買える、素敵な経験になります。
It’s been four years since Corona, and this is the first time we have opened a booth at Hand Made Fes Japan. I enjoyed talking with customers, but I also enjoyed getting to know the artists and talking with them! When I visit the artists’ booths, I end up buying their products because of their great skills and sense of style, and I love using them so much. It is a wonderful experience to talk with the artists and buy your own one-of-a-kind item.