Vol.12 PLATOK,Russia | ロシア プラトーク
Platok means “shawl" in Russian. It is a folkloric women’s headdress, worn on the head, over the shoulders, or around the neck, and is used in daily life throughout the year.
(船から見たウラジオストクの街並みです)A view of Vladivostok from the ship.
意気揚々と港に降り立ち、シベリア鉄道始発駅を見学して街中に向かうと、英語表記ほぼなし!キリム文字の見当がつかない!どうしよう!強面のお兄さんにグーグル翻訳を見せて道を尋ねると、なんか親切。強面のままだけど、、ロシアのおばちゃん、ロシア美女、プーチンみたいな兄貴、日本人の感覚では愛想は良くないけれど親切。淡々と親切な行いをする感じ。ロシアいいぞ。しかもロシアの若い女の子、風貌が妖精?? モデル?男だったら1日10回ぐらい一目惚れしそうな。
Vladivostok, Russia is the closest European city to Japan. This is my first time in Russia, just one day by ship, and since Vladivostok only issues free electronic visas and is easy to get to, I decided to walk around the city.
We got off at the port in high spirits, visited the first station of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and headed into the city, but there was almost no English signage! I have no idea what the Kilim script is! What should I do? I showed Google Translate to a strong-faced older brother and asked for directions, and he was kind enough to help. He is still a tough-looking man, but he is a Russian lady, a beautiful Russian woman, a Putin-like older brother, and kind, though not friendly in the Japanese sense of the word. They seem to do kind deeds without hesitation. Russia is good. And the young Russian girls, they look like fairies or models? A model? If I were a man, I would fall in love at first sight about 10 times a day.
(観光のメインストリートの噴水通り)Fountain Avenue, the main street for sightseeing.
ロシアの布で思いつくのは、刺繍やロシアのおばちゃんが頭に巻いてるスカーフ、プラトーク。なんとか調べてプラトークの専門店、「パヴラヴァパサッツカヤ プラトーチナヤ マヌファクトゥーラ」という200年以上の歴史のある店に行ってみました。
The shopping area is a bit lonely from the Japanese perspective, but if you go behind the Gumu Department Store and Fountain Street, you will find stylish bars and cafes that have been renovated from brick buildings. After taking a rest with a cup of coffee, I went shopping. The only thing that comes to mind with Russian cloth is embroidery, the scarf that Russian ladies wear around their heads, and platok. I managed to research and visit a store specializing in platok, “Pavlava Pasatskaya Platouchnaya Manufaktura," which has been in business for over 200 years.
Scarves are displayed all over the walls of the store, all with floral patterns! The material is mainly wool, with a little cotton and silk. There were several sizes (89 x 89, 146 x 146, and so on). I bought one for myself and the rest I will make into pouches.
(お店の秋冬コレクション)The store’s fall/winter collection.
I stopped by a museum after this to see the indigenous people’s costumes. They are the Udege people, an indigenous tribe that still lives by traditional fishing and hunting, and some of them live in the city center.