Vol.20 Abu Dhabi, UAE | アブダビ
August 2019. I visited ADHEX, the world’s largest falconry exhibition in Abu Dhabi.
The exhibition was spacious with falcons, as well as hunting rifles, desert four-wheelers, and desert camping equipment. There were also many art exhibits, mainly paintings of horses, falcons, and kings.ラクダ、馬、猟犬、血統書付きの愛玩犬も。動物は大好きみたいですね。
Camels, horses, hounds, even pedigreed pet dogs. Animals seem to love it.
The venue was almost exclusively Abu Dhabi men wearing white kanduras and turbans.
It was a rare experience for me, as 70% of the people there are foreigners who come here to work, and I rarely meet Abu Dhabis when I travel.
男性は白いカンドゥーラ、 女性は黒いアバヤという体を包む服をきていて、アバヤの下はドレスだったりジーンズだったりと自由。
The men wear a white kandoora and the women wear a black abaya, which is a body covering, and they can wear a dress or jeans under the abaya.
Turban fabric found in the exhibition hall! Fine quality cloth made in Kashmir. I was in a good mood when I got an Arab roll from a Pakistani.
気になっていた アブダビ産の布製品、ヘリテージ・ヴィレッジ(歴史観光村)ブースでアバヤを着た女性がパタンパタンと織ってました。シンプルな織物で、お土産用のUAEの国旗カラーの小物を制作中。キーホルダー的なものを25ディラハム(750円)で購入。アブダビ産のお土産はほぼないので、貴重!
I was curious about Abu Dhabi fabric products. A woman wearing an abaya was weaving at the Heritage Village booth. She was making small souvenir items in the colors of the UAE flag using simple fabrics. I bought a keychain-like item for 25 dirhams. Souvenirs made in Abu Dhabi are rare and precious!
小物作り 織り機 村を再現